tirsdag 22. november 2011

Where is Tromsø going?

(photo: Amund Schweder)

The exhibition "Hvor går Tromsø?" (Where is Tromsø going?) opened yesterday.

It is Tromsø Municipality's contribution to Arkitekturens år (The year of Architecture) in collaboration with the Fremtidens(Cities of the Future) project.

The exhibition has been divided into three parts all of which will be shown at Tromsø municipality´s building. The first part of the exhibition opened yesterday and it will stay open until December this year.

This first part is about Tromsø's historical development. The second part will deal with the current urban situation of the city and the third part will speculate about the future of Tromsø.

The objective (or goal) of the exhibition is to reinforce the collective urban memory and to increase the people’s awareness of architecture and urban development. The exhibition intends to contribute to a common knowledge platform in which present and future discussions can be based.

In my opinion this is a very interesting exhibition and I recommend everyone to visit it.

fredag 4. november 2011

The beginning: The Norwegian Architecture Association NAL has its 100-year anniversary

Architecture has been really discussed in the local media during 2011. The Norwegian Architecture Association NAL has its 100-year anniversary this year and the local Architect Institute Working Group held a series of events focusing on architecture and landscape architecture in Tromsø.

Among the events we can mention the Landscapes in Change conference, the Beach Promenade cultural trek, the Open House event, the Film + Architecture event, the Spire Box, the Pecha Kucha Night architecture lecture, the Landscape architecture exhibition by students from Ås and the architecture exhibition Where is Tromsø going".

The events have created an interest and debate in the city's population that has not been seen since the Byutviklingsår was held in 2005. They have also helped to awaken, to some extent, Tromsø awareness of urban planning and the importance of participation.

(photo: NAF)

My active participation in the Beach Promenade (Strandpromenade) allowed me to experience the interest of our fellow citizens in these events giving me the idea to promote and organize a series of architecture exhibitions which will start next year with the exhibition called: På villspor?

(photo: Nordlys newspaper and iTromsø newspaper)