torsdag 20. desember 2012

Where is Tromsø going? Part 2

(foto: Anniken Romuld)

You can now go and see the second part of the exhibition Where is Tromsø going?
The first part was an architectural retrospective on how and why Tromsø has become the city we know today.
This second part is about Tromsø today and looks for an understanding of the forces and attitudes that characterize urban development in our town.  Tromsø today exhibition tells us a lot about how Tromsø will be tomorrow.
 In this exhibition the city is divided in three main districts and with help of isometric perspectives shows what we can find in each of them. Visitors can make suggestions (with the help of speech bubbles) of how/what can be done to improve the city. I specially like the one that suggests a Design & Architecture center in the Northern part of Norway (my project)
I would like to congratulate the responsible architects and designers on their work in this exhibition. Where is Tromsø going? Is a good example of how we can involve “regular” people in the process of improving a city. I can´t hardly wait for Part 3.

The exhibition has now launch two apps as well!

(foto: Nordlys newspaper 14. 12. 2012)
These are the links for the apps for both part 1 and 2.
Part 1:
Part 2:

mandag 10. desember 2012

Book launch in Tromsø

The Små Spor exhibition is now available in book form.

The book "Små Spor" was released 30/11 and are now available for Web-based sales. The book takes the same starting point as the exhibition and displays 15 projects from the North of Norway.
The foreword is written by Erling Steenstrup and the text by the involved architectural firms. The book will, like the exhibition help to spread the word about architecture in our region. The profits will go to further activities in connection with the work for a future Design and Architecture center in Tromsø.

 For more information about this project please go to:

Mulighet for å lage Tromsø til en JULEBY

(bilde: Markant Nr 2 - 2012)

Interiørdesigneren Michele Widerøe mener Tromsø nå har en enestående mulighet til å markere seg som en attraktiv by for julehandel.


– Jeg har fulgt debatten, og har sett noen av de ideene som er lansert. Selvsagt er ikke alle ideene like gode, men det mest gledelige er at det settes i gang en prosess der flere inviteres til å delta med innspill, sier hun.

Hun nevner arbeidet med lyssetting som eksempel: Lyskastere mot himmelen er veldig kostbart, gir liten effekt og reduserer muligheten til kunne følge nordlyset. Samtidig finnes det gamle planer for både lyssetting som kunne vært vurdert på nytt.
– Det er ikke så veldig mange år siden det ble utarbeidet en belysningsplan for sentrum. Den gikk ut på å lyssette signalbygg og skulpturer. Tiden var ikke ansett som riktig da, og det var ikke mulig å finansiere tiltaket. Kanskje er forutsetningene bedre nå, sier hun.
Widerøe er opptatt av at designere og arkitekter dras aktivt inn i arbeidet for å skape en attraktiv helhet av Tromsø som destinasjon for julehandel.

Atraktiv allerede
– Er det realistisk å gjøre Tromsø til en markant juleby?
– Ja! Tromsø er attraktiv allerede. Det vet jeg, fordi jeg har en leilighet som leies ut til besøkende turister som stort sett er fullbooket. Tromsø er populært, og butikkene legger flid i å presentere gode vindusutstillinger. Men veldig mye kan bli bedre. Søndagsstengt er ikke populært, og det mangler en helhet i måten byen fremstår på.
– Men en enhetlig designprofil vil neppe kunne erstatte de røde hjertene i julegatene?
– Nei, men de tror jeg kan erstattes på andre måter. Hvis det lyses ut en konkurranse blant nordnorske designere, tror jeg det vil komme frem mange ideer til gode alternativer, sier hun.

Michele Widerøe er prosjektleder for pilotprojektet Nordnorsk Design- og arkitektursenter, og mener både designere og arkitekter må dras inn i arbeidet med å gjøre Tromsø til en mer attraktiv juleby.

tirsdag 4. desember 2012

Pop Up Market in Tromsø - 2012 & 2013

Pop Up Market was an event held last Saturday,  December 1st,  2012. This was one of the, hopefully more, events of this kind in Tromsø.
There were many different designers selling their own products and/or attractive fleas.

(foto: Michele R. Widerøe)

I was there and for approximately one hour counted more than  50 visitors, the rest of the day was as busy as the first hour. We were all very happy to show our products and to have someone interested in buying, too. If you did not have time to visit it this time I recommend you do not to miss it next time.

The Pop Up Market was held again in April 2013. This time there were new designers and no flea market.

(foto: Kristina Schröder)

torsdag 8. november 2012

Det trenges fokus på design i alt det som skal skje i Tromsø, fra det store til det lille!

  (bilde: Nordlys avis)
 Torsdag 1. November inviterte næringsforening til en førjulsfest der det ble  presentert et prosjekt næringsforening har jobbet med i en god stund. Dette prosjektet skal i følge næringsforening forandre julebyen Tromsø i fremtiden.
Bakgrunnen til prosjektet er en kåring fra magasinet ”Travel and Leisure” i 2009, der Tromsø ble kåret som tredje beste juleby.
Hvorfor har Tromsø blitt kåret så høyt når det finnes omtrent 500 000 byer på samme størrelse som Tromsø?, spurte Herman Kristiansen, styreleder i Visit Tromsø i sitt foredag den dagen. Svaret var: Tromsøs storslåtte omgivelser og det fantastiske vinterlyset gir en fantastisk julopplevelse.

Ønsket til næringsforeningen er at Tromsø skal bli kåret som verdens beste juleby. For å klarer dette innseer de at man trenger å sette fokus på en del områder som per i dag ikke er så attraktive, enten for tilreisende eller for innbyggere. Et flott ønske, som jeg personlig er veldig opptatt av.

Det var med glede jeg gikk lengre frem i salen for å høre litt nærmere på forslagene de hadde kommet frem til.  Det er mye som planlegges å gjennomføres, mange gode tiltak er allerede i gang. De viktigste tiltakene var:

  • Det skal lages et lysprogram for Tromsø.
  • Tromsø sentrum skal pyntes opp på nytt.
  • Sentrum og Jekta må samarbeide.

Disse tiltakene er gode, men måten noen av dem er tenkt gjennomført  er dessverre lite inspirerende.


I tillegg til å lyse opp brua og biblioteket, er det planlagt å ha tre enorme lyskanoner fra hver handelsdel i byen. En fra Jekta, en fra Pyramiden og en fra sentrum. Lysstrålene treffes i lufta over Tromsø by for å symbolisere at disse tre handelsdeler er samlet og samarbeider. Forslaget er ikke selvforklarende (en forutsetning for god design) og de fleste tilreisende vil ikke kunne forstå symbolikken. Forslaget er også veldig kostbart. I tillegg vil slike lyskanoner ødelegge opplevelsen av det naturlig arktiske lyset vi alle er så glade i.
Ideen om et lysprogram er slett ikke nytt. Det finnes allerede et flott profesjonelt forslag  til et lysprogram for Tromsø sentrum. Dette forslaget ligger dessverre glemt i skuffen til en dyktig aktør i arkitekturbransjen. Forslaget som han har utarbeidet sammen med et par andre aktører bør brukes om ikke i sin helhet i hvert fall som kilde til inspirasjon til programmet næringsforeningen planlegger. Jeg håper næringsforeningen revurderer forslaget om tre lyskanoner, det finnes som sagt mer subtile og elegante måter å lyse vår vakre Tromsø-by opp på.

Dette sitatet fra Morten Skandfer uttrykker det jeg føler på en veldig fin måte:” Ingen andre byer egner seg bedre til et omfattende lyskulturprogram enn T. Den lange mørketiden og vinteren generelt er en stor mulighet. Mye kan gjøres med lys, og løfte byen uten at den må bygges om. Nordens Paris kunne bli logisk igjen med merkelappen 'Lysets By'. Bygninger og monumenter kan lyssettes til ulike årstider og høytider, festivaler og andre markeringer. I tillegg er god dagligbelysning av veier, gater, plasser viktig. Oppsummert: lys handler om hverdagskvaliteter og ekstraordinære opplevelser.” morten-skandfer's posterous

Bruk designkompetanse:

Når det gjelder å gi sentrum en ny design for Julen, håper jeg virkelig at denne gangen blir designere involvert i prosessen. Designere finner ikke bare løsninger , de finner problemer som ingen andre har sett, for så å finne måter å løse det på. Det er avgjørende at er at objekter som skal vises frem, treffer besøkende på en riktig måte. God design skapes i en prosses, den er et resultat av tverrfaglige prosesser. Mitt forslag er at næringsforeningen inviterer til en workshop med designere der resultat blir et spennende gjennomtenkt forslag til hvordan Tromsø kan/bør se ut.

Flere forslag:

På festen ble deltakerne utfordret til å komme med forslag til hva næringsforeningen bør gjøre for å gjøre Tromsø mer attraktivt i jula. Disse forslagene skal vurderes av en referansegruppe som er satt sammen for prosjektet.
Det er veldig viktig at folk er med, men i en designprosess bør ikke rollene blandes sammen. I øyeblikket da man ber brukere komme med løsninger til problemstillingene, er brukermedvirkning misforstått. Det er kjempeviktig å samle inn innformasjon og lokal kunnskap, men prosjektering og design må skje på faglige premisser.

Mitt forslag til forbedring av Julebyen Tromsø er at næringsforeningen støtter et fremtidig Design- og arkitektursenter som kan knytte sammen næringsaktører, design- og arkitektkontorer. Slike koblinger vil resultere i et samarbeid med svært bra profesjonelle resultater for alle parter og for våres by.

Jeg er glad for at næringsforeningen ønsker å gjøre noe med julebyen vår, og jeg håper virkelig at de bruker lokal designkompetanse aktiv i planlegging av den nye julebyen Tromsø!

torsdag 18. oktober 2012


Kartlegging av interesse for et design- og arkitektursenter er i gang. Dette er en viktig del av pilotprosjektet jeg gjennomfører takket være INTRO- fond for kulturnæring i Tromsø.

Så langt har jeg presentert planene for Byutviklings kontor i Tromsø Kommune, Steinsvik Arkitektkontor, Asplan Viak og Borealis arkitekter. 
Slik har de kommentert planene:

Jeg er strålende fornøyd så langt og kan neste ikke vente til å presentere prosjektet for resten av arkitekturmiljøet i Nord Norge.

Det er også planlagt et møte med designkontorene i løpet av januar. Jeg håper de viser like stor interesse, positivitet og engasjement som arkitektmiljøet har vist.

torsdag 27. september 2012

Input seminar about design and architecture in Norway

The Norwegian Government has decided to present an action plan for culture and industry. The Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development are cooperating with this plan. To receive input on the progress of the plan, several input seminars have been organized.

I had the opportunity to attend one of them. Its topic was design and architecture and it was held at the Norwegian Center for Design & Architecture, in Oslo. 

 (foto: Michele Widerøe)

At this seminar 17 different speakers within the field design and architecture shared their input with the attendees. After each presentation a designated panel asked them questions.
The main topics were:
 - innovation and entrepreneurship through cooperation and networking, among other things
- funding
- export and internationalization
- knowledge and expertise


 The topic most interesting for me and my project was the one on cooperation and networking.
It was very positive to hear the director of Norsk Form, Andrea Vaa Bermann comment on the importance of decentralization of knowledge and expertise. As we all know there is only one Design & Architecture Center in Norway and since it is located in Oslo it is very difficult for people from other cities to participate in the activities they offer. Norsk Form has a mandate to promote architecture and design to the whole country. But, they do not have the capacity to do so.

I do not want Norsk Form to establish a subdivision in Tromsø. I want them to support our proposal and give us the means and funds to materialize it. 

A Design & architecture center in Tromsø shouldn´t be the same as the one in Oslo. Tromsø has conditions that are completely different from the ones in Oslo and they have to be taken into consideration.  Professionals from the design and architecture industry, who live and work here, have the knowhow to implement it.

A common arena:

 The importance of the use of design and architecture in society was underlined in this seminar. But, in my opinion, it´s just as important, if not crucial, to show what is being done and by whom in each field. A centre for Design & Architecture in Tromsø will be a place for showing the work of designers and architects in the region. A place where we can obtain expertise and communicate projects.  A place where designers and architects can meet business; a common arena for inspiration and exchanges of ideas, where we can draw inspiration and inspire others.

Other areas within the creative industries, such as film, art, literature, have a common place in Tromsø, but not design and architecture. We want the same thing, we should not aim lower.

onsdag 26. september 2012

Landscape architecture conference in Tromsø

The Autumn Conference 2012

 (foto: Michele Widerøe)

Last week I attended to a Landscape architecture conference here in Tromsø. It was the first time a conference like this was hosted by Tromsø architects. The theme was Urban and Arctic landscapes in change.

There was a wide range of speakers (nine in total) both local and from abroad, and the topics were varied. We could get an insight in the process of designing Japanese gardens, a proposition for marine kelp farm, projects in Greenland, studies about mining towns in the arctic, and last but not least how to use the northern landscape in marketing.

So different, yet so similar. The similarity was as far as I understood that they all touched the question: What is landscape?  this is an essential question when working on the development of it.

I learned that landscape is our overall physical environment, both natural and manmade. That landscape is shaped by the interplay between nature and man. But the most important thing I learned was that landscape is changing and our perception of it has to change too.

It is not every day (not even every year) that I have the possibility to participate in this kind of conferences, so I would like to thank all the people involved on the planning and execution of it. A special thanks to the Tromsø landscape architects involved. You did a great job. The conference place was elegantly decorated, lunch was fabulous and the Arctic adventure dinner was truly an adventure.

Thank you!

(foto: Michele Widerøe & co)

mandag 18. juni 2012

The Exhibition Små Spor opened last Friday 15. June at Tromsø Gallery of Contemporary Art


(Graphic design: Kyrre Kalseth)


About the project Små Spor (small tracks):

The Norwegian Architects Association had its 100th anniversary last year and the local architects association NAF has held a series of events focusing on architecture and landscape architecture in the region.
Among the events held we can mention the "Landscapes in Change” conference, the "Seaside Promenade” cultural trek, the "Open House” event, the "Film + Architecture” event, the "Spire Box”, the "Pecha Kucha Night” architecture lecture and the architecture exhibition "Where is Tromsø going".
The events have created interest and debate in the city's population. They have also helped to awaken, to some extent, Tromsø´s awareness of urban planning and the importance of participation.
It is desirable that the commitment, awareness and knowledge of architecture does not disappear after last year's many celebrations, and that a good level of debate on architecture becomes the sequel to them.
We use the opportunity of the architecture exhibition "SPOR. Norwegian Architecture 2005-2010", which presents a selection of the best that Norwegian architects have produced in the past 5 years, and that only shows two projects from northern Norway, to show more local projects. "Små Spor" (small tracks) wants to help keep alive much of what has occurred through the NAL 100-year anniversary. Through this exhibition we want to create a lasting and more competent commitment to architecture / landscape architecture in Tromsø.
The exhibition shows arquitectural qualities in the North, small " pearls " from all over northern Norway.
The exhibition consist of a multimedia presentation that shows the map and pictures of the projects. A stand with 30 postcards (15 in english and 15 in norwegian) that show the picture of the projects on the front and the description in the back. There is also  a poem writting by a north norwegian writer on one of the walls.

Featured projects:

Passive House, Tromsø (Steinsvik arkitekter) Nordnorsk arkitekturpris 2007
Sykkelskur, Austvågøy (70°N arkitektur as) Nordnorsk arkitekturpris 2008
Rasteplass, Vestvågøy (70°N arkitektur as)  Nordnorsk arkitekturpris 2008
Ungdomshuset Straumanstua, Kleppstad (Jarmund / Vigsnæs AS Arkitekter) Nordnorsk arkitekturpris 2009 
Hamsum Senter, Hamarøy (Steven Holl architects) Nordnorsk arkitekturpris 2010
Lofoten Kulturhus og Thon Hotell, Svolvær (A3 arkitekter) Nordnorsk arkitekturpris 2011
Strandgata 22, Tromsø (Code: arkitekter).
Helleristinger, Kirkely (Kjersti Jenssen Arkitektkontor)
Parkeringstunt, Bodø (flere arkitekter)
Verdens minste Hotell, Kirkenes (Rintala Eggertsson architects)
Vulkana, Tromsø (Rintala Eggertsson architects)
Sabetjohk bru, Birtavarre (Ghilardi+Hellsten Arkitekter)
Sol og Vindhus, Trondenes (Arkitekt Jim Myrstad as)
Åpne Tanker, Hammerfest (arkitekter: Ingrid Neeraas Dahl og Christoffer Imislund)
Fuglekikkerskjul og vindskjul, Hornøya (arkitekter: Tormod Amundsen og Elin Taranger)


The exhibition is organized by Michele R. Wideroe in cooperation with The Association of Northern Norwegian Architects
Graphic design: Kyrre Kalseth
Animation: Øyvind Oppshaug
Poem: Marianne Strand
Duration: 17min
Sponsored by: Troms Fylkesmommune, NAL, NAF, Kåfjord municipality, INTRO fond, Varanger Næringssenter, Odd Berg Gruppen, Total Renovering, 70N arkitektur.
Place: Tromsø Gallery of Contemporary Art

Installing the exhibition!

We were two days at the Kusntforening testing and preparing for the exhibition. The first Øyvind Oppshaug, who is the film producer in charge of the multimedia presentation, and I went to check that worked as it whould.  On the second day (see photos) Kyrre Kalseth, who not only was in charge of the graphics but also designed the stand for the postcards, went to prepare the rest before the media came.

(photo: Michele Widerøe)

In the media:

Joar Lillerust (leder of the North Norwegian Architect association)  and I were interviewed by the local newspaper iTromsø and by the regional newspaper Nordlys. The day before I was also interviewed by Hege Iren Hanssen from the local radio station NRK P1-P2.

(photo: Nordlys & iTromsø newspapers)

The opening!

The director of the Tromsø Gallery of Contemporary Art, Svein Ingvoll Pedersen opened this Summer 2012  exhibition by presenting the three exhibitions that will be at the gallery all summer. These are: Norwegian Contemporary Architecture 2005-2010 (SPOR): produced and toured by the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, the artist Marius Martinussen a well know airbrush painter from Oslo, and Små Spor, North Norwegian Architectural Gems (produced by Michele Widerøe). Later I had the opportunity to present the idea behind Små Spor exhibition.  

(photo: Erik Widerøe)

Små Spor exhibition

(photo: Erik Widerøe)


I am happy that so many people found their way to this exhibition even though it was friday and the sun was shining outside. 

(photo: Erik Widerøe)


I would like to thank all the persons and institutions that made possible this exhibition. I couldn´t have done it without you. 

This exhibition is on tour now!

Follow the exhibition at:

Wideroe has received funding from the Intro Foundation to conduct a pilot project where she will study the need and interest in a Center for Northern Norway Design and Architecture in Tromsø.

 (Photo: Nordlys newspaper)
During the next year, Wideroe will organize three architectural exhibitions and a design workshop. The first exhibition opens at Tromsø Kunstforening on June 15, on the subject of northern Norwegian architecture.

- I've always been interested in design and architecture, and when I came to Tromsø and Northern Norway 14 years ago I noticed that there was no place to turn for information on this subject. There is such a place in Oslo, DogA, but one cannot travel down there every time one needs information. Slowly, the idea matured, and now I'm on my way. smiled Widerøe.

During her years in Tromsø Michele has achieved a master's degree in art history, she has become an interior designer, and now she works at one of the city's architects office, and participates in Kvinnovasjon Troms and in Global Future porgram, a management training course  for foreign with higher education.

Need more positive forces

- After I joined the Kvinnovasjon program things began to take shape. It is difficult to say that "now I will start a design and Architecture center" when you do not know anyone. And, also, the fact that I think something is important does not mean other people think so, too. That is why I am now investigating whether there is an interest in this hoping for a good response, says Widerøe.

Having participated in the organization of the "architecture year" last year, she affirms:

- There came, among other things, 500 people and walked along the  seafront in the rain and strong wind! It shows that people care.

Through exhibitions and workshops Widerøe will create contacts, people she hopes would like to get on board. At the end of year activities she will have references and will be able to continue working toward the common goal of creating a design and architecture center.

- I cannot do this alone. I would really like to get in contact with the positive forces in the north; people who will find that this sounds interesting and perhaps will help. Currently, the North Norwegian Architecture Association is on the team, and this is great. There are both designers and architects of international class here in the region. But there is no common arena where their works can be presented. And there are lots of wonderful projects that deserve attention, Widerøe said.

Architecture and design for all

She wants a center for design and architecture that should focus on North Norway and the northern Norwegian architecture and that it should be open to crossover projects, available for people in general, both the man in the street, tourists, and those within the discipline.

Widerøe is aware that such a type of center can be costly.
- Renting a space for the center will be the most expensive . Hopefully we have a municipality that recognizes the need for such a center, which helps us with a place for it. So, we can spend the money on activities instead, she smiles hopefully, adding:

- But such a center doesn´t need to be big and expensive. The important thing is that there is a place that reflects what we have in this region.


Arne Wilhelm Theodorsen in Intro Fund says Widerøe’s idea of ​​a design and architecture center in the north is easy to support. Widerøe received 240,000 kroner from Intro to implement the pilot project.

- Michele has a good idea that can provide business benefit. She is very credible and has very good references, as well as she has pinpointed an obvious need, we have regionally. For a center to be created it requires initiative and we think Michele will implement the first phase of the project. It is beneficial for us in Intro. We support many projects in different cultural forms, it was time that we arrived on the scene also with design and  architecture, says Theodorsen.

The North Norwegian architecture prize

(Photo: Åse Pulk/NRK)
 The North Norwegian architecture prize was awarded yesterday (16. june.2012) in Tromsø at the annual meeting of the North Norwegian Architects Association 

The North Norwegian architecture prize was awarded yesterday (16. june.2012) in Tromsø at the annual meeting of the North Norwegian Architects Association 
The jury, which consisted of Kjerstin Uhre, Viggo Ditlevsen and Berit Steenstrup, was proud to award the North Norwegian Architecture Prize for 2012 to the Sami tent and hut. 
It is the first time in the history of the North Norwegian architecture prize that the prize is given to an entire building tradition and not to a specific building. 

(Photo: Michele Widerøe)

Jurys statement:

" The North Norwegian architecture prize for 2012 is given to a traditional and vibrant architectural concept. An architecture that is smart with respect to climate and energy, which has room for improvisation, which in its various forms can be both permanent and temporary. An architecture that is always in time, developed out of respect for the landscape through material optimization and ingenuity, with strong traditions and in constant transformation. An architecture that carries an important part of our land and is a part of our identity and history of the Sami "

(Photo: Michele Widerøe)

The North Norwegian Architecture Prize:

The North Norwegian Architecture Prize is awarded annually to projects with specific reference to, and of importance to the north Norwegian history, culture and environment.
It has been awarded 14 times, the  first time in 1974.
Some of the buildings that have received this prize are: Harald Mound camping Målselv (1974) Kautokeino Cultural Centre (1987), Sami Parliament building (2002), Hamsun Centre, Presteid in Hamarøy (2010), Lofoten Culture center and Thon Hotel, Svolvaer (2011)


 (Photo: Michele Widerøe)

Every year the North Norwegian Architects Association´s invites an architect office to give a lecture at it´s annual meeting.  This year was Ecosistema Urbano from Madrid invited.

Ecosistema Urbano is an innovative spanish office that focuses on understanding the city as a complex phenomenon, from an interdisciplinary point of view between urbanism, architecture, engineering and sociology. The office defines his interest as "creative urban sustainability", which means that they try to respond to the current situation through innovation, creativity and comprehensive action.
Ecosistema urbano has received more than 30 awards since 2000, and teaches at the most prestigious institutions around the world. In 2010 they were invited to the World Expo in Shanghai (World Expo) with its project Air Tree is an experimental interactive public space. Currently they are working with an urban project to the Square in Hamar, where a broad participation and network design process has been completed in autumn 2011 called Dream Hamar. (taken from

søndag 17. juni 2012


It is very important to share our knowledge about norwegian Design and Architecture with others. 


Presenting the projects of the architect firm 70N arkitektur (my work place in Tromsø) at the Fundación Ludvig, Havana, Cuba, 2010
(foto: Erik Widerøe)

Lecture about the norwegian designer Peter Opsvik at the Insituto Superior de Diseño (ISDI),  Havana, Cuba, 2010
(foto: Giselle Gil)

Lecture about contemporary norwegian design and architecture at Centro de divulgación de diseño, arquitectura y urbanismo, Havana, Cuba, 2011
(foto: Erik Widerøe)

Exhibition about Sami Rintala. A finish architect living and working in Norway at the CUJAE (Architect faculty), Havana, Cuba, 2012
(foto: Erik Widerøe) 










It is also important for me to share my knowledge about Cuba with others.


Presenting the concept of Havana´s urban gardening (cuban organoponics) Tromsø, Norway,  2011
 (foto: Erik Widerøe)

tirsdag 12. juni 2012

Marjetica Potrc talk in Tromsø

What does an Amsterdam neighborhood have in common with Caracas?

(photo: Michele R. Widerøe)

Last week I had the opportunity to assist to a seminar by the slovenian artist and architect Marjetica Potrc, here in Tromsø. She talked about two projects. The first one an ecologically safe dry toilet in Caraca`s and the other one a community garden in an immigrant neighborhood in Amsterdam.
In the course of her presentation, not only did she talk about these wonderfull projects but analysed them getting to a conclution that the tactics used in these projects can help  in the articulation of the tactics for the future cities.

torsdag 24. mai 2012

Future Rural Communities project in the north of Norway

Two rural villages in Northern Norway have been chosen for the Future Rural Communities project (Fremtidens bygder). They are Flakstad in Nordland and Mosjøen in Nordland.

This project is an initiative from NAL-Ecobox, in collaboration with Trefokus and Zero and has a focus on environment development in rural areas in Norway. Just seven rural communities have been chosen for this phase:   Norddal in Møre og Romsdal, Granvin in Hordaland, Iveland in Aust-Agder, Rakkestad in Østfold, Harestua in Oppland,  Flakstad in Nordland and Mosjøen in Nordland

About the project:
The project’s objective is to demonstrate practically how to design and build in an environmental friendly manner not only focusing on the big cities but also in rural communities. Area efficiency is an important part of a holistic vision on sustainability and it’s also applicable in rural areas. It is environmentally correct to project and build in a compact settlement instead of the disperse settlement pattern that exists now in rural areas. Much of the work done now in Norway is concentrated in main cities while rural communities are characterized by a disperse settlement pattern.

Michael Lommertz from Ecobox explains in this months Arkitektnytt 4, that there are many large houses in rural areas where big families lived before and now only very few people live. By moving people near to each other transportation will be reduced and public transportation is easier to plan. Less transport and more compact development reduces energy. Another key reason for a compact building pattern is, according to Lommertz, to protect land resources.  In rural areas there may be lack of space: Disperse development will often spread into agricultural land or natural areas. For those who believe density is a problem, Lommertz says that it can still contribute to an attractive environment because people and activities are gathered, and in concentrated settlement the architectural qualities can be raised more easily. In other words this project is about developing places where it is attractive to live.

I hope this project, besides helping environmental friendly building, will make these communities, characterized by depopulation, a more attractive place to live and do business. In this way the people will return to rural areas, the cities will get less crowded, and the quality of life will increase for everyone.

lørdag 19. mai 2012

Fields of Exploration _ Limits of Exploitation

Course on mining operations on the landscape in Northern Norway.

                                                                                               photo: Syd-Varange mines,

Architecture Students from AHO (Oslo architect school) led by Kjerstin Uhre and Knut Eirik Dahl, from the Tromsø office Dahl & Uhre architects, are mapping mining operations on the landscape in Northern Norway.
The students together with their teachers are trying to understand what is happening with the people, the landscape and the cities  in the Northern part of Norway when the mining companies arrive here. "Because of rising commodity prices abroad closed mines will reopen in the north and local activity will dramatically increase in the near future. The goal of the course, declared Dahl, is to get the students to understand how territories changes. A difficult task, that will teach the students to dare to challenge certain issues and by doing this they will be at the forefront of development"

This is a very interesting and important course that will bring knowledge not only to the students involved but to our region.
I recommend all to follow the students’ blog to learn more about this problem that will eventually affect all of us.