(Graphic design: Kyrre Kalseth)
About the project Små Spor (small tracks):
Norwegian Architects Association had its 100th anniversary last year and the
local architects association NAF has held a series of events focusing on
architecture and landscape architecture in the region.
the events held we can mention the "Landscapes in Change” conference, the
"Seaside Promenade” cultural trek, the "Open House” event, the
"Film + Architecture” event, the "Spire Box”, the "Pecha Kucha
Night” architecture lecture and the architecture exhibition "Where is
Tromsø going".
events have created interest and debate in the city's population. They have
also helped to awaken, to some extent, Tromsø´s awareness of urban planning and
the importance of participation.
is desirable that the commitment, awareness and knowledge of architecture does
not disappear after last year's many celebrations, and that a good level of
debate on architecture becomes the sequel to them.
use the opportunity of the architecture exhibition "SPOR. Norwegian
Architecture 2005-2010", which presents a selection of the best that
Norwegian architects have produced in the past 5 years, and that only shows two
projects from northern Norway, to show more local projects. "Små
Spor" (small tracks) wants to help keep alive much of what has occurred
through the NAL 100-year anniversary. Through this exhibition we want to create
a lasting and more competent commitment to architecture / landscape
architecture in Tromsø.
exhibition shows arquitectural qualities in the North, small " pearls
" from all over northern Norway.
The exhibition consist of a multimedia presentation that shows the map and pictures of the projects. A stand with 30 postcards (15 in english and 15 in norwegian) that show the picture of the projects on the front and the description in the back. There is also a poem writting by a north norwegian writer on one of the walls.
The exhibition consist of a multimedia presentation that shows the map and pictures of the projects. A stand with 30 postcards (15 in english and 15 in norwegian) that show the picture of the projects on the front and the description in the back. There is also a poem writting by a north norwegian writer on one of the walls.
Featured projects:
Passive House, Tromsø (Steinsvik
arkitekter) Nordnorsk arkitekturpris 2007
Sykkelskur, Austvågøy (70°N arkitektur as) Nordnorsk arkitekturpris 2008
Vestvågøy (70°N arkitektur as) Nordnorsk arkitekturpris 2008
Straumanstua, Kleppstad (Jarmund / Vigsnæs AS
Arkitekter) Nordnorsk arkitekturpris 2009
Hamsum Senter, Hamarøy (Steven Holl
architects) Nordnorsk arkitekturpris 2010
Lofoten Kulturhus og Thon Hotell, Svolvær
(A3 arkitekter) Nordnorsk arkitekturpris 2011
Strandgata 22, Tromsø (Code: arkitekter).
Helleristinger, Kirkely (Kjersti
Jenssen Arkitektkontor)
Parkeringstunt, Bodø (flere arkitekter)
Verdens minste Hotell, Kirkenes (Rintala
Eggertsson architects)
Vulkana, Tromsø (Rintala Eggertsson
Sabetjohk bru, Birtavarre (Ghilardi+Hellsten
Sol og Vindhus, Trondenes (Arkitekt Jim
Myrstad as)
Åpne Tanker, Hammerfest (arkitekter:
Ingrid Neeraas Dahl og Christoffer Imislund)
Fuglekikkerskjul og vindskjul, Hornøya
(arkitekter: Tormod Amundsen og Elin Taranger)
The exhibition is organized
by Michele R. Wideroe in cooperation with The Association of Northern Norwegian
Graphic design: Kyrre
Animation: Øyvind Oppshaug
Poem: Marianne Strand
Poem: Marianne Strand
Duration: 17min
Sponsored by: Troms
Fylkesmommune, NAL, NAF, Kåfjord municipality, INTRO fond, Varanger Næringssenter,
Odd Berg Gruppen, Total Renovering, 70N arkitektur.
Place: Tromsø Gallery of Contemporary Art
Installing the exhibition!
We were two days at the Kusntforening testing and preparing for the exhibition. The first Øyvind Oppshaug, who is the film producer in charge of the multimedia presentation, and I went to check that worked as it whould. On the second day (see photos) Kyrre Kalseth, who not only was in charge of the graphics but also designed the stand for the postcards, went to prepare the rest before the media came.
In the media:
Joar Lillerust (leder of the North Norwegian Architect association) and I were interviewed by the local newspaper iTromsø and by the regional newspaper Nordlys. The day before I was also interviewed by Hege Iren Hanssen from the local radio station NRK P1-P2.

(photo: Nordlys & iTromsø newspapers)
The opening!
The director of the Tromsø Gallery of Contemporary Art, Svein Ingvoll Pedersen opened this Summer 2012 exhibition by presenting the three exhibitions that will be at the gallery all summer. These are: Norwegian Contemporary Architecture 2005-2010 (SPOR): produced and toured by the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, the artist Marius Martinussen a well know airbrush painter from Oslo, and Små Spor, North Norwegian Architectural Gems (produced by Michele Widerøe). Later I had the opportunity to present the idea behind Små Spor exhibition.
Små Spor exhibition
I am happy that so many people found their way to this exhibition even though it was friday and the sun was shining outside.
I would like to thank all the persons and institutions that made possible this exhibition. I couldn´t have done it without you.
This exhibition is on tour now!
Follow the exhibition at:
Utstillingen har fått støtte fra:
SvarSlettKåfjord Kommune,Varanger Næringssenter, Noske arkitekters landsforbund,
Tromsø Fylkeskommunen: ”Fylkesråden synes tiltaket er et godt frivillig tiltak som på en positiv måte styrker lokalsamfunnet, fremmer livskvalitet og bidrar til å styrke Troms som et attraktiv fylke å bygge, bo og leve i.”
Norske Landskapsarkitektforening NLA: ” Norske landskapsarkitekters forening er positive til at det settes opp utstillinger som viser arkitektur og landskapsarkitektur for publikum. Vi tror denne utstillingen vil bidra til å sette fokus på formgivning av omgivelsene på en spennende måte! ”
Nord-Norges Arkitektforening NAF: ” På samme måte som utstillingen "SPOR. Norsk arkitektur 2005-2010" presenterer et utvalg av det beste norske arkitekter har produsert i perioden, representerer Små Spor et viktig utvalg av prosjekter i Nord-Norge, kanskje små i størrelse men med vel så store kvaliteter. Utstillingen er blitt til i fortsettelsen av det store engasjementet rundt våre fysiske omgivelser som ble vist under Arkitekturens År 2011 i Nord-Norge, og viser noe av det beste som er bygd i landsdelen senere tid.”
Total Renovering (lokal entreprenør firma): ” Vi støtter prosjektet fordi vi ønsker å rette fokus på arkitektur i Nord-Norge”
Odd Berg AS (lokal entreprenør firma): ”Vi støtter prosjektet fordi Odd Berg Gruppen er en aktiv eiendomsutvikler med fokus på god arkitektur. Det er ofte et stort engasjement blant tromsøværingene om nye byggeprosjekter og vi tror at utstillingen kan tilføre tromsøværinger gode referanser og begreper i tillegg til ”pent”, ”stygt” eller for høyt.”