torsdag 5. september 2013

Trip to INDEX AWARD in Copenhagen

When NO-DA went on a "research trip" to Beyond Risør this summer, we just clicked! and we were at once invited to join their delegation to Copenhagen for the INDEX AWARD.
The purpose of our trip was to build networks in the national and international design environment. Risør is the only INDEX CITY in Norway and has contributed both to juries and Norwegian finalists for this prestigious award.
Just a month after my visit to Risør I found myself sitting together with their group at the ambassador's residence in Copenhagen. We were all there to celebrate two Norwegian projects  that had been chosen  to the finals of the INDEX AWARD. It was with excitement we watched the award ceremony, and it was with great pleasure that we got to see one of the Norwegian finalists named the winner for their great products: The Natalie Collection, or MamaNatalie. The Natalie Collection consists of a birth simulator, a newborn simulator and a product that keeps the airway open in newborns. The product aims to reduce infant mortality. We want to congratulate Laerdal Global Health for their win, and welcome them as a speaker to the next PÅFYLL (refyll) event in Tromsø.

(foto: Michele Widerøe)

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